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Topic: Integrations

Send Website Change Detection Notifications to Telegram group or channel

Help Center IntegrationsLast updated: 23 October, 2023

telegram change detections allows you to track changes in websites and get notified instantly via your preferred method. In this article we will discuss how you can setup PageCrawl to receive notifications in Telegram.


You need an account. This works in both Free and Paid accounts. If you don't already have one, go here to register an account.

Retrieve Telegram Chat ID

Follow the steps below to retrieve a Telegram Chat ID. This is needed so you could receive notifications in a 1-to-1 chat, channel or a group conversation.

Start 1-to-1 conversation with @PageCrawlBot, invite to a Channel, or add to group conversation.

1-to-1 conversation

Simply begin a conversation with @PageCrawlBot and you will receive instructions how to configure it. telegram start conversation

Include in a Channel or Group conversation

Instructions for Channels and Groups are identical. To include the bot in the Channel or Group you should invite @PageCrawlBot to the channel. You may likely also need to adjust bot permissions, so it could read and send messages. To get instructions what code you should put in settings, send a /start message to the bot: @PageCrawlBot /start telegram bot setup Keep in mind that Channels or Group conversations have a negative chat id! 1-to-1 conversations - always positive chat id.

Configure in

If you would like to receive notifications for all tracked pages, enter the Chat ID you obtained in previously in user notification preferences.

If you only want a single page to be notified about in Telegram. Just set this Chat ID in a specific page.


What if I can't edit the server? You should ensure you have permissions from the server owner to edit channel.

I didn't receive a notification Please wait for page to change. We will only send a notification when we detect a change.

I receive too many notifications? What can I do? You may setup notification rules to be notified only when e.g. text disappears, number increases, etc.

Other supported notification channels

We do have more supported notification channels to suit everyone's preferences.

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